The Learning, Development, Education and Research Center was founded by Prof. Dr. Aşyegül ATAMAN in 2005 as the Education and Research Center for Children with Visual and Learning Disabilities, within the body of Gazi University. Then, in 2015, the name of our center was changed to Learning, Development, Education and Research Center (LDER) LDER has taken as its mission the responsibilities of research, implementation and policy development in order to improve the lives of children and everyone associated with them. The vision of our center; to provide excellence in supporting the development and learning of children. In line with this mission and vision, (LDER) operates as a center where individual services are provided and researches are carried out on the basis of supporting the learning, development and education of all children, without any discrimination among children. Our working areas; Learning, Development, Education and Researches. It is aimed to support children, families and teachers in these areas.
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